Shunts - Frontal, Abdullah
Last modified by Hussein Abdallah on 2024/06/16 06:19
Instructions for doing a shunt with Dr Abdullah.
Before the case
- Ensure the patient got a CTH IGS
- Call Dr Abdullah to discuss positioning and plan
- Program the certas shunt based on discussion
- On the nav machine, choose target and entry and draw trajectory
- Pull up images on big screen
- Have a small bump ready
- Ensure there is a KLS martin screwset in the room
- Position on a horseshoe, with the frame digging up into the patient's occiput - do not tape the bottom, refinements are always likely to be made.
- Take tape off the eyes and register with nav. Confirm ears, canthus, nose are well-approximated. Run the wand across sagittal midline too.
- Scrub belly and head with 1 brush each
- Shave entire belly, do not shave head
- Mark Kocher's point on the patient
- Mark a line for releasing incision
- Draw a semicircular incision whose diameter should be perpendicular to releasing incision. Diameter ~2 inches
- Call him at this point
- As soon as he verifies everything, place tegaderms on eyes and go scrub while he preps
- While waiting 3 minutes to dry
- go connect distal tubing to shunt and silk tie
- mark and silk tie the proximal catheter (or EVD) at 6.5 and then cut it at 11, put stylet in it
- Go from bottom up
- Don't let the iobands overlap, makes it difficult to see the tunneler reaching the skin when there is two layers
- Make sure around the neck you maximize the uncovered area, will make it easier to tunnel
Cranial 1/2
- incision through dermis
- bovie down to bone
- achieve hemostasis
- broad periosteal to elevate flap
- ask for a 2-0 tie to retract the flap
- get wand and set entry point
- burr hole down to dura
- stuff w/ Surgi foam/patty
- use closed uterine forceps to tunnel from shunt incision down to releasing incision then 11 blade to cut hole through skin
- On the way back, open the uterine forceps with one hand each side to expand dissection, especially as you come out from shunt incision
- Re-insert uterine forceps from shunt incision to releasing incision --> Tunnel a silk tie on way back to shunt incision
- Use a snap to get through cervical fascia at the releasing incision
- Tie a simple garbage can tie around distal shunt at the shunt incision and pass the distal shunt through releasing incision, lay all the slack on an antibiotic 4x4
- Let the shunt valve sit naturally
- Tunnel
- Tie the distal catheter to the plastic tunnel with a 2-0
- pass the plastic catheter out of abdomen until distal shunt tubing appears
- call Holtzman
Cranial 2/2
- Bipolar the whole dura
- make cortisectomy first cruciate w/ knife, burn the leaflets, then cortisectomy with bipole
- Dr Abdullah will now take his biopsy sometimes
- Pass catheter into vents
- connect proximal catheter to shunt valve, tie it down with a silk
- Screw down the shunt valve w/ 2 KLS martin screws
- Ensure distal flow
- Close galea
- Close skin w/ velosorb